Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Java OCJP quick review points

These are the quick review points that I assembled into a text file while studying OCJP for my campus placement. It also contains the important topics to be covered in Java for cracking technical interviews.
I hope others could get some quick review of Java language via reading it.

It is just 300 lines of text which includes the most peculiar and interesting features that I was able to found in the 1000 page OCJP book.

I have also included a smaller file of java data structures which can also serve as an important tool for last minute revision.

A small preview of the file:


assert keyword
java has printf("sas %d hbgvhnd",arg1);
enum constant declarations, constructors, values(), valueOf("a") inbuilt methods
each enum constant is a final, static reference that stores the reference value of an object of the enum type.
daysInMonth = new int[] {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
int[] mXnArray[]; // 2-dimensional array
even references are passed by value in java
final keyword means constant
public static void publish(int n, String... data) ---- varargs, always last parameter
public static void main(String... args) // Method header
javac -s "D:\study files\p1" -d . Heron.java   ---- package file structure compilation
javac -cp /top/bin -d ../bin A.java --- cp is class path used for searching class files
-cp /pgjc/work:/top/bin/pkg:.  ---- search in work, then bin, then curr dir by order
>java -jar bundledApp.jar
>javac -cp /top/lib/gui.jar:/top/lib -d /top/bin MyApp.java
>java -DFontSize=18 SysProp os.name java.version appName FontSize   ---- -D means define system property



1. http://www.mediafire.com/?zp49ge2ns5fvdj8 --- scjp.txt

2. http://www.mediafire.com/?xy6842he5w7d9r3 --- datastruct.txt

Monday, 4 February 2013

Draw engineering block diagrams online

Use this site:



1. Draw directly without any ads or delay.

2. Export to PNG.

3. It is free to use.

4. Works well even on slow internet connections.

I drew my software's prescriptive architecture here in 5 minutes.

Please recommend this to all your friends.
