Most people who are on a limited data plan are frustrated when it comes to uploading or seeding the files they themselves download via torrents. They say that it wastes their limited bandwidth in uploading. This is very unethical in my opinion. This situation is well understood by considering an analogy.
Suppose you are writing an exam and you don't know the answer to a question. What do you do? Of course, you should leave the question in an ideal world. But in the practical world you will mostly resort to copying the answer from your nearby friend or peer. Now imagine that you have copied the answer completely from your good friend who obliged to showing the complete answer to you. Then after some time, while you are attempting another question your other poor friend needs that same answer which you had copied earlier from the previous friend.
What should you do in such a case? Show the answer or ignore him thus saving your time....
The same is with torrents. Remember, if the original seeder had not uploaded the file to you then you too couldn't have downloaded your precious file. Thus, uploading is as important, if not more, as downloading in the peer to peer file sharing world.
So always strive to maintain a good upload to download seeding ratio (0.8 to 1.0+) for each torrent. Give others too a chance to enjoy the P2P world like yourself.
And as far as the limited plan is concerned, switch over to an unlimited plan if uploading bothers you or at least consider the upload bandwidth too in your monthly data consumption. You may consider choosing an ISP which provides free uploads (BeamTele) or that which does not cap upload speeds after FUP (BSNL).
Else you can focus on downloading via LAN DC++ Hubs provided by ISPs like Five Net.
If even this is too much for you then stop using torrents and simply ask your friends for the files you need or use HTTP/FTP downloads.
Simply run u torrent in background each time you sit on your PC and always keep all the torrents in "active" mode. You may set a seeding ratio limit of 1.0 if necessary. This simple step can go a long way in helping the P2P sharing to survive and flourish.
Like they say, "Live and let live!!!"
Suppose you are writing an exam and you don't know the answer to a question. What do you do? Of course, you should leave the question in an ideal world. But in the practical world you will mostly resort to copying the answer from your nearby friend or peer. Now imagine that you have copied the answer completely from your good friend who obliged to showing the complete answer to you. Then after some time, while you are attempting another question your other poor friend needs that same answer which you had copied earlier from the previous friend.
What should you do in such a case? Show the answer or ignore him thus saving your time....
The same is with torrents. Remember, if the original seeder had not uploaded the file to you then you too couldn't have downloaded your precious file. Thus, uploading is as important, if not more, as downloading in the peer to peer file sharing world.
So always strive to maintain a good upload to download seeding ratio (0.8 to 1.0+) for each torrent. Give others too a chance to enjoy the P2P world like yourself.
And as far as the limited plan is concerned, switch over to an unlimited plan if uploading bothers you or at least consider the upload bandwidth too in your monthly data consumption. You may consider choosing an ISP which provides free uploads (BeamTele) or that which does not cap upload speeds after FUP (BSNL).
Else you can focus on downloading via LAN DC++ Hubs provided by ISPs like Five Net.
If even this is too much for you then stop using torrents and simply ask your friends for the files you need or use HTTP/FTP downloads.
Simply run u torrent in background each time you sit on your PC and always keep all the torrents in "active" mode. You may set a seeding ratio limit of 1.0 if necessary. This simple step can go a long way in helping the P2P sharing to survive and flourish.
Like they say, "Live and let live!!!"